Packing for Guatemala

Only 2 more weeks until we head out to Guatemala, and I’m getting excited!  The plan is to fly in to Flores and take a shuttle to our hotel in Tikal.  Explore the jungle ruins for a few days and hop on the overnight bus to Antigua.  Then a week in a villa on Lake Atitlan before heading home.

I’ve been trying to prepare the kids for our trip by introducing learning materials on the Mayan culture.  They have Mayan history, folk tale and art books and we have watched the 3 Nova specials on the Mayan civilization including one really cool one on deciphering the lost written language of the ancient cities.  Nova also had a wonderful show on volcanoes (Guatemala has 37!).  We’ve downloaded some Spanish apps on the iPads to supplement the girls’ school Spanish.  They are required by their school to write in a journal since they will be missing 2 weeks, so I’ve packed travel journals as well.  Here are their backpacks, ready to go!


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