Hiking up to a glacier in Alaska
Hello there! This blog will be a record of our travels as a family, world school resources, thoughts on travel, and hopefully our preparations for a year long round the world trip in a few years.
A little about us…my name is Alexis and I’m a photographer (mostly weddings and portraits, here’s my site: Red Stone Photography) currently living in Raleigh, North Carolina. My husband Jason is a pilot and we’ve been together for for 13 years. Both of us had childhoods filled with relocations with our families, and consequently we each inherited that restless gene that keeps us looking for new adventures. When we were married and ready to talk about having children, we promised ourselves that we would keep exploring the world and our interests and include the future kids. Shortly after our first daughter Skye turned one, we had the opportunity to move to Japan for a few years for Jason’s job. Okinawa is one of the most amazing secret gems of an island and we had a wonderful time living there. We continued to travel even as our other two children, Claire and Flynn were born.
Now we are back in the U.S. and have become intrigued with the idea of “world school”. By world school, I mean hands on learning about the world, cultures, language, and history through travel. Skye and Claire are in elementary school, and we have been working hard to supplement their education with outside projects involving science, the arts, geography, and history…all subjects they are interested in but have been crowded out of the curriculum in public schools to make room for extra math, reading comprehension, and endless test preparation. Each trip we take and project we work on helps to broaden their horizons and keep that spark and joy of learning alive. With the continued rise of globalization, we want to prepare our children for a world that will seem much smaller as they grow into adulthood. Ideally (in a few years), we are hoping to take them out of school for a full year and take an extended family trip around the world, combining travel with education and sharing a once in a lifetime adventure while they are still with us.
Thanks for stopping by!
Hannah - I just came across your site while searching for info on Mt Fuji! We currently live in Okinawa, its such a fab island & Japan is an amazing country! My husband and I are on the same page as you with regards to “world schooling” AND we too would like to do a year trip WITH them! unfortunately Matt still has quite a few years in the military until that dream can come true! For now we try to take 3-4 week lumps; our next adventure is 4 weeks around Indonesia, Singapore & Malaysia! Anyway I am off to browse your blog!